American Roofing & Metal
Commercial Roofing

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Spray Polyurethane Foam

It Sounds Great!

This roofing system isn't a perfect fit for all. While the selling points of spray polyurethane foam (SPF) roofing are fast and insulated, the downfalls are worth examining before investing.

Long-Term Considerations

Commercial spray foam roofing costs more than double to remove than single ply roofing. Servicing spray foam roofing during cold winters is difficult, too. Should water penetrate the surface of the foam roof, it can freeze and separate the foam from the inside out. Walking on an old foam roof, you'll find water pockets, mold and algae. 

There are also very few spray foam contractors in the market, so you are likely to be locked in for life with your contractor, and pricing may be subject to change. 

The Simple Question

Consider this: If spray foam roofs are as great as the contractor says, why isn't everyone using them? All roofing solutions have a proper place and application. To determine if a spray foam roof is a good choice for your commercial building, contact our team. We install almost every roofing solution available, and will give you a variety of economical options.