American Roofing & Metal
Commercial Roofing

Call Us 855-671-ROOF


In the United States, fiberglass-based asphalt shingles are by far the most common roofing material used for residential roofing applications. They are relatively affordable, last 20 to 50 years, and are recyclable in some areas. Asphalt shingles come in a large number of styles and colors.

When a certified installer installs a shingle roof we are installing a roof system to protect your shelter. A shingle roof system consists of proven shingle products that are manufactured to work as a system. A roof system should have roof deck protection, leak barriers, starter strip shingles, shingles, ventilation, and hip & ridge shingles.

The American Roofing typical roof system contains Synthetic deck protection. Synthetic, non-woven construction provides at least 600% (i.e. 7 times) greater tear strength than standard felt. It provides longer-lasting leak protection than conventional “felts” (which can rot or become brittle before your shingles reach their useful life.).