American Roofing & Metal
Industrial Roofing

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EPDM (Rubber)

Durability, design versatility and installation ease are among the many reasons ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) is one of the most popular roofs for both new and reroof low-slope roofing applications. EPDM roofs have a proven track record for their performance and longevity in a variety of applications.

EPDM, is a single-ply rubber roofing membrane primarily used on low- slope commercial and industrial roofs. The thickness of the membrane can vary with the most common being forty-five mils (0.045") and sixty mils (0.060"). The color of the membrane can also vary, with the most common colors being black and white. EPDM roofing systems are noted for their durability, low maintenance, and relatively low cost. In addition EPDM roofs have been around for over fifty years and have a proven track record for its performance.

EPDM roofs are applied one of three ways; mechanically attached systems, Fully adhered systems or Ballasted systems. Each application has its pro's and con's, when considering using EPDM roofing the advantages of the different system applications needs to be considered carefully.